Friday, February 20, 2009

Steroids and Professional Sports

So I have been sitting here the past couple of weeks watching as the A-Roid, oops I mean A-Rod, story continues to unfold. It just seems there is no escaping this.

I turn on the TV and there it is.

I open the newspaper and more of it slaps me in the face.

I turn on the radio and my ears are flooded with even more.

I have heard so much about steroids, HGH and Performance Enhancing Drugs that I think I have now taken them just through osmosis.

Here is the bottom line opinion of The Oz Factor.


Bud Selig, the MLB Commissioner, didn't seem to care when Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and what seems like damn near have of the players in professional baseball were juiced up and hitting the ball further than a twin engine plane could fly. Meanwhile lining his pockets and the pockets of owners with more cash than some small third world countries. Only when Congress got bored and decided they needed something "sexy" to deal with and stepped in and started poking their noses around did Selig and the rest of baseball act as if they gave a damn.

Truth be told, they would have preferred that no one ever took notice and things were nice and covered up like they were in the "Steroid Years." baseball had just come off of a bad Labor Strike and looked as if it could do nothing to gain the trust of fans again. None the less, to the rescue came McGwire and Sosa with their historic and enhanced run at history. And the fans came back in droves. There was a line in Field of Dreams that goes, "if you build it, they will come." Baseball should take note of that line and change it just a bit to give the "Steroid years" a new slogan. It should read "If you juice, they will come."

This whole thing has gotten out of hand. our country is in financial turmoil and Congress feels it needs to focus on steroid use in baseball and a playoff system for college football. Alex Rodriguez is making up family members that bought a PED (Performance Enhancing Drug) in the Dominican and brought it back to him. Quick note to A-Roid, damn I did it again, I mean A-Rod. The drug in question has been proven not to have been sold in the Dominican over the counter during the time you stated. So what will your next excuse and cover up be?

Barry Bonds is hounded by Congress and being taken to court for purgery, yet Benito Santiago was found to have done the EXACT same thing as Bonds and yet no one seems to want to prosecute him. Last I checked, that was a violation of personal rights and falls under Selective Prosecution and this is the reason you will see Bonds walk away again and give both baseball and the legal system the middle finger as he laughs and rides off into the sunset.

We have hunger around the world, the dollar isn't worth the toilet paper we wipe our ass with, homeless families litter the streets of cities across the country and a war overseas continues to go on and yet all anyone is worried about is steroid use in baseball? What the hell has happened to this country?

Now writer's say they would welcome Alex and other admitted steroid users into the Hall of Fame, yet McGwire's votes decline each year and baseball's all-time hit leader, Pete Rose, can't get into the hall because he won't kiss Selig's ass and say "I'm Sorry," for betting on games he managed in. Meanwhile, Michael Jordan was a known gambler and some say his father was killed due to his debts. Charles Barkley is a known gambler and is treated like "one of the guys" and also gets pulled over for a DUI (give him credit though, his apology was sincere and from the heart and quite frankly, I like the guy). Michael Phelps gets busted taking hits from the bong and sponsors continue to support him. yet Bonds is the evil of all sports evils. Whatever!

Bottom line, guys used, it is no different than those in the 70s and 80s that used "greenies", "uppers" and even coke to gain an edge or some added "energy boost." Corked bats, too much pine tar, the list goes on and on with all the discrepancies that have littered baseball and those that have done it find their way into our hearts and into the Hall of Fame.

Get over it, move on with your life and let it go! it is a part of the game and it is now part of its history. Maybe next time Jose Canseco speaks, you will listen to what he has to say instead of looking at him like he was some madman just rambling on. The unfortunate fact is there will be no true way to tell who used and who didn't use in baseball and there is nothing we can do except either let it go or group anyone and everyone, no matter who there are, under the steroids umbrella and hold them all accountable and punish them all for the cheating ways of a few, or at least in the current case, the cheating ways of A-Roid (okay that's three times I am done) and 103 others yet to be named.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!!

    Like you have to be kidding. A rod didn't juice.

    Ok thats enough of that. I would just like to say that I told bbmt that this was true while a rod was still in texas. Also said this again and all people said is that they won't beleive it till he gets cought. Well well ........ Buler...... I don't hear an apology
